
SuperSpacer® Premium Plus

German System Windows uses SuperSpacer Premium Plus for all its manufactured windows, designed specifically for the North American climate. SuperSpacer Premium Plus, provides the warmest, highest performance glass spacer on the market. SuperSpacer Premium Plus warm edge spacer is made of high-performance silicone material with integrally incorporated desiccant – which many designers and architects prefer. Even with its aesthetically pleasing narrow sightline, SuperSpacer Premium Plus delivers high wind load resistance, exceptional thermal performance, argon gas retention and long-term durability.


  • Low thermal conductivity
  • Fast dew point drop
  • Durable edge seal, continuous vapour barrier at corners
  • Breathable, flexible foam matrix
  • High desiccant content that absorbs moisture
  • No chemical fogging
  • Pleasing aesthetic appearance
  • High-quality silicone for superior resistance to ozone, UV light and oxidation
  • Optimum values for energy efficiency (ψ-values up to 0.028*)
  • Enhanced comfort and well-being near windows
  • Excellent durability for sustainable performance
  • Higher productivity through ease of processing (only three process steps)

LoE-180 Glass

German System Windows is offering LoE-180 glass, designed specifically for the North Amercian climate. LoE 180, provides the clearest, highest performance glass on the market. When the weather turns frigid, Cardinal LoE-180 glass is the perfect remedy. It provides excellent insulating capability, blocking heat loss to the outside and reflecting heat back into the room. What’s more, it’s passive solar applications allows the winter sun’s heat to pass into the home. LoE-180 glass acts like an invisible layer of insulation that helps homes stay warm and cozy; by blocking heat loss to the cold weather outside and welcoming the sun’s heat inside. This is important because windows contribute up to 25% of the annual heating cost of a home.


  • Triple Glazed Performance in a Double Glazed format
  • Superior LoE Performance versus other LoE’s
  • Energy Star Zone at a minimum 2 or greater
  • Leading blockage of UV Radiation that cause fading & damage
  • High Solar Heat Gain
  • No Haze

More info

Optimization results begin with a selection of 180 Low E glass coating used in combination with our unique white Super Spacer technology. We then offer you a choice of double or triple glass panes and Argon gas between the panes of glass. In the winter, it helps bring in more heat energy during the day, while reducing heat loss at night. In the summer, the same technology prevents hot humid air from entering your home. The results are reduced air conditioning costs when it’s warm and lowered heating bills when it’s cold.

LoE-180 glass provides year round comfort and improves the insulating value of your window up to 40%. With high solar heat gain, ER and R values, increased zone coverage and great light transmission and clarity; LoE-180, is the clearest, highest performance glass on the market.

Model Brand Product Name U-factor (W/m² – K) Solar Heat Gain (SHGC) Energy Rating ENERGY STAR Zone(s) ENERGY STAR Most Efficient 2016
L-FC-TG,LOE180/LOE180/I89 Weather Seal Windows LEGACY FC 0.83 0.41 45 1|2|3 Y
L-FC-TG,LOE180/LOE180/I89-GRL Weather Seal Windows LEGACY FC 0.84 0.37 43 1|2|3 Y
L-FC-TG,CLR/LOE272/272 Weather Seal Windows LEGACY FC 0.87 0.31 39 1|2|3 Y
L-FC-TG,CLR/LOE272/272-GRL Weather Seal Windows LEGACY FC 0.89 0.28 36 1|2|3 Y
L-CAS-TG,LOE180/LOE180/I89 Weather Seal Windows LEGACY CA1 0.89 0.34 40 1|2|3 Y
L-AW-TG,LOE180/LOE180/I89 Weather Seal Windows LEGACY AW1 0.9 0.35 40 1|2|3 Y
L-CAS-TG,LOE180/LOE180/I89-GRL Weather Seal Windows LEGACY CA1 0.9 0.32 38 1|2|3 Y
L-FC-TG,LOE180/CLR/LOE180 Weather Seal Windows LEGACY FC 0.9 0.43 45 1|2|3 Y
L-AW-TG,LOE180/LOE180/I89-GRL Weather Seal Windows LEGACY AW1 0.91 0.32 38 1|2|3 Y
L-FC-TG,LOE180/CLR/LOE180-GRL Weather Seal Windows LEGACY FC 0.92 0.39 42 1|2|3 Y
L-CAS-TG,CLR/LOE272/272 Weather Seal Windows LEGACY CA1 0.93 0.26 34 1|2|3 Y
L-CAS-TG,CLR/LOE272/272-GRL Weather Seal Windows LEGACY CA1 0.94 0.24 33 1|2|3 Y
L-AW-TG,CLR/LOE272/272 Weather Seal Windows LEGACY AW1 0.94 0.26 34 1|2|3 Y
L-AW-TG,CLR/LOE272/272-GRL Weather Seal Windows LEGACY AW1 0.95 0.24 32 1|2|3 Y
L-CAS-TG,LOE180/CLR/LOE180 Weather Seal Windows LEGACY CA1 0.96 0.36 39 1|2|3 Y
L-AW-TG,LOE180/CLR/LOE180 Weather Seal Windows LEGACY AW1 0.96 0.36 39 1|2|3 Y
L-AW-TG,LOE180/CLR/LOE180-GRL Weather Seal Windows LEGACY AW1 0.97 0.33 37 1|2|3 Y
L-CAS-TG,LOE180/CLR/LOE180-GRL Weather Seal Windows LEGACY CA1 0.97 0.33 37 1|2|3 Y
WEATHERSEA1CA1LOE180/LOE180/I89 Weather Seal Windows CA1 1.03 0.34 37 1|2|3 Y
WEATHERSEA1CA1LOE180/LOE180/I89-SDL Weather Seal Windows CA1 1.05 0.31 35 1|2|3 Y
WEATHERSEA1CA1LOE272/CLR/LOE272 Weather Seal Windows CA1 1.09 0.23 29 1|2|3 Y
WEATHERSEA1CA1LOE366/CLR/LOE180 Weather Seal Windows CA1 1.09 0.16 25 1|2|3 N
WEATHERSEA1CA1LOE180/LOE180/I89-GRL Weather Seal Windows CA1 1.1 0.26 31 1|2|3 Y
WEATHERSEA1CA1LOE272/CLR/LOE180 Weather Seal Windows CA1 1.1 0.24 30 1|2|3 Y
FC-TG,LOE180/CLR/LOE180 Weather Seal Windows F175 1.11 0.43 41 1|2|3 Y
CAS-TG,LOE180/CLR/LOE180 Weather Seal Windows CA1 1.11 0.36 36 1|2|3 Y
AW-TG,LOE180/CLR/LOE180 Weather Seal Windows AW1 1.12 0.36 36 1|2|3 Y
WEATHERSEA1CA1LOE366/CLR/LOE180-GRL Weather Seal Windows CA1 1.12 0.12 22 1|2 N
WEATHERSEA1CA1LOE272/CLR/LOE272-GRL Weather Seal Windows CA1 1.12 0.17 25 1|2|3 N
L-FC-TG,CLR/CLR/LOE180 Weather Seal Windows LEGACY FC 1.13 0.47 42 1|2|3 Y
WEATHERSEA1CA1LOE366/CLR/LOE180-SDL Weather Seal Windows CA1 1.13 0.15 24 1|2|3 N
WEATHERSEA1CA1LOE272/CLR/LOE180-GRL Weather Seal Windows CA1 1.13 0.18 25 1|2|3 N
WEATHERSEA1CA1LOE272/CLR/LOE272-SDL Weather Seal Windows CA1 1.13 0.21 27 1|2|3 Y
L-FC-TG,CLR/LOE272/CLR-GRL Weather Seal Windows LEGACY FC 1.14 0.32 33 1|2|3 Y
L-FC-TG,CLR/LOE272/CLR Weather Seal Windows LEGACY FC 1.14 0.35 35 1|2|3 Y
L-CAS-TG,CLR/CLR/LOE180 Weather Seal Windows LEGACY CA1 1.14 0.4 38 1|2|3 Y
WEATHERSEA1CA1LOE272/CLR/LOE180-SDL Weather Seal Windows CA1 1.14 0.22 28 1|2|3 Y
L-CAS-TG,CLR/LOE272/CLR-GRL Weather Seal Windows LEGACY CA1 1.15 0.27 30 1|2|3 N
L-CAS-TG,CLR/LOE272/CLR Weather Seal Windows LEGACY CA1 1.15 0.3 32 1|2|3 N
L-AW-TG,CLR/CLR/LOE180 Weather Seal Windows LEGACY AW1 1.15 0.4 37 1|2|3 Y
CAS-TG,LOE180/CLR/LOE180-GRL Weather Seal Windows CA1 1.15 0.33 34 1|2|3 N
AW-TG,LOE180/CLR/LOE180-GRL Weather Seal Windows AW1 1.15 0.33 33 1|2|3 N
WEATHERSEA1CA1LOE272/CLR/I89 Weather Seal Windows CA1 1.15 0.24 28 1|2|3 N
L-FC-TG,CLR/CLR/LOE180-GRL Weather Seal Windows LEGACY FC 1.16 0.43 39 1|2|3 Y
L-AW-TG,CLR/LOE272/CLR-GRL Weather Seal Windows LEGACY AW1 1.16 0.27 30 1|2|3 N
L-AW-TG,CLR/LOE272/CLR Weather Seal Windows LEGACY AW1 1.16 0.3 31 1|2|3 N
FC-TG,LOE180/CLR/LOE180-GRL Weather Seal Windows F175 1.16 0.39 37 1|2|3 Y
L-CAS-TG,CLR/CLR/LOE180-GRL Weather Seal Windows LEGACY CA1 1.17 0.37 35 1|2|3 N
L-AW-TG,CLR/CLR/LOE180-GRL Weather Seal Windows LEGACY AW1 1.17 0.37 35 1|2|3 N
WEATHERSEA1CA1LOE272/CLR/I89-SDL Weather Seal Windows CA1 1.17 0.22 27 1|2|3 N
WEATHERSEA1CA1LOE272/CLR/I89-GRL Weather Seal Windows CA1 1.21 0.19 24 1|2 N
L-FC-DG,LOE272/I89 Weather Seal Windows LEGACY FC 1.24 0.31 31 1|2 N
L-CAS-DG,LOE272/I89 Weather Seal Windows LEGACY CA1 1.26 0.26 27 1|2 N
L-FC-DG,LOE180/I89 Weather Seal Windows LEGACY FC 1.27 0.48 40 1|2|3 Y
L-FC-DG,LOE272/I89-GRL Weather Seal Windows LEGACY FC 1.27 0.29 29 1|2 N
L-CAS-DG,LOE180/I89 Weather Seal Windows LEGACY CA1 1.28 0.4 35 1|2|3 N
L-CAS-DG,LOE272/I89-GRL Weather Seal Windows LEGACY CA1 1.28 0.24 25 1|2 N
CAS-TG,CLR/LOE272/CLR Weather Seal Windows CA1 1.28 0.29 29 1|2 N
L-FC-DG,LOE180/I89-GRL Weather Seal Windows LEGACY FC 1.29 0.44 37 1|2|3 Y
L-AW-DG,LOE272/I89-GRL Weather Seal Windows LEGACY AW1 1.29 0.24 25 1|2 N
L-AW-DG,LOE272/I89 Weather Seal Windows LEGACY AW1 1.29 0.26 26 1|2 N
CAS-TG,CLR/CLR/LOE180 Weather Seal Windows CA1 1.29 0.4 35 1|2|3 N
AW-TG,CLR/LOE272/CLR Weather Seal Windows AW1 1.29 0.29 28 1|2 N
L-CAS-DG,LOE180/I89-GRL Weather Seal Windows LEGACY CA1 1.3 0.37 33 1|2 N
CAS-TG,CLR/LOE272/CLR-GRL Weather Seal Windows CA1 1.3 0.27 27 1|2 N
AW-TG,CLR/CLR/LOE180 Weather Seal Windows AW1 1.3 0.4 34 1|2|3 N
AW-TG,CLR/LOE272/CLR-GRL Weather Seal Windows AW1 1.3 0.27 27 1|2 N
L-AW-DG,LOE180/I89-GRL Weather Seal Windows LEGACY AW1 1.31 0.37 32 1|2 N
L-AW-DG,LOE180/I89 Weather Seal Windows LEGACY AW1 1.32 0.41 34 1|2|3 N
FC-TG,CLR/CLR/LOE180 Weather Seal Windows F175 1.32 0.47 38 1|2|3 Y
FC-TG,CLR/LOE272/CLR Weather Seal Windows F175 1.32 0.34 31 1|2 N
FC-TG,CLR/LOE272/CLR-GRL Weather Seal Windows F175 1.34 0.31 29 1|2 N
CAS-TG,CLR/CLR/LOE180-GRL Weather Seal Windows CA1 1.35 0.36 31 1|2 N
AW-TG,CLR/CLR/LOE180-GRL Weather Seal Windows AW1 1.36 0.36 31 1|2 N
WEATHERSEA1AW1K2 Weather Seal Windows AW1 1.38 0.3 27 1|2 N
WEATHERSEA1CA1K2 Weather Seal Windows CA1 1.39 0.3 27 1|2 N
FC-TG,CLR/CLR/LOE180-GRL Weather Seal Windows F175 1.41 0.43 34 1|2|3 N
CAS-DG,LOE180/LOE180 Weather Seal Windows CA1 1.41 0.39 31 1|2 N
CAS-DG,CLR/LOE272 Weather Seal Windows CA1 1.42 0.32 27 1 N
AW-DG,LOE180/LOE180 Weather Seal Windows AW1 1.42 0.4 32 1|2 N
CAS-DG,LOE180/LOE180-GRL Weather Seal Windows CA1 1.43 0.36 29 1|2 N
AW-DG,CLR/LOE272 Weather Seal Windows AW1 1.43 0.32 27 1 N
L-CAS-DG,LOE180/LOE180 Weather Seal Windows LEGACY CA1 1.44 0.4 31 1|2 N
AW-DG,LOE180/LOE180-GRL Weather Seal Windows AW1 1.44 0.36 29 1|2 N
L-CAS-DG,LOE180/LOE180-GRL Weather Seal Windows LEGACY CA1 1.45 0.37 29 1|2 N
L-AW-DG,LOE180/LOE180-GRL Weather Seal Windows LEGACY AW1 1.45 0.37 29 1|2 N
L-AW-DG,LOE180/LOE180 Weather Seal Windows LEGACY AW1 1.45 0.4 31 1|2 N
FC-DG,LOE180/LOE180 Weather Seal Windows F175 1.45 0.47 35 1|2|3 N
CAS-DG,CLR/LOE180 Weather Seal Windows CA1 1.45 0.44 33 1|2 N
CAS-DG,CLR/LOE272-GRL Weather Seal Windows CA1 1.45 0.3 25 1 N
AW-DG,CLR/LOE272-GRL Weather Seal Windows AW1 1.45 0.3 25 1 N
L-FC-DG,LOE180/LOE180 Weather Seal Windows LEGACY FC 1.46 0.47 35 1|2|3 N
FC-DG,CLR/LOE272 Weather Seal Windows F175 1.46 0.38 30 1|2 N
L-FC-DG,LOE180/LOE180-GRL Weather Seal Windows LEGACY FC 1.47 0.43 32 1|2 N
AW-DG,CLR/LOE180 Weather Seal Windows AW1 1.47 0.44 33 1|2 N
L-CAS-DG,CLR/LOE180 Weather Seal Windows LEGACY CA1 1.48 0.44 33 1|2 N
CAS-DG,CLR/LOE180-GRL Weather Seal Windows CA1 1.48 0.4 30 1|2 N
WEATHERSEA1F175K2 Weather Seal Windows F175 1.48 0.3 25 1 N
FC-DG,LOE180/LOE180-GRL Weather Seal Windows F175 1.49 0.43 32 1|2 N
AW-DG,CLR/LOE180-GRL Weather Seal Windows AW1 1.49 0.41 31 1|2 N
L-CAS-DG,CLR/LOE180-GRL Weather Seal Windows LEGACY CA1 1.5 0.41 30 1|2 N
L-AW-DG,CLR/LOE180-GRL Weather Seal Windows LEGACY AW1 1.5 0.41 30 1|2 N
L-AW-DG,CLR/LOE180 Weather Seal Windows LEGACY AW1 1.5 0.44 32 1|2 N
PW-TG,LOE180/CLR/LOE180 Weather Seal Windows F150 1.5 0.47 34 1|2|3 N
FC-DG,CLR/LOE180 Weather Seal Windows F175 1.5 0.52 37 1|2|3 Y
L-FC-DG,CLR/LOE180 Weather Seal Windows LEGACY FC 1.51 0.53 37 1|2|3 Y
FC-DG,CLR/LOE272-GRL Weather Seal Windows F175 1.51 0.35 27 1 N
PW-DG,LOE180/LOE180 Weather Seal Windows F150 1.52 0.51 36 1|2|3 Y
SH-TG,LOE180/CLR/LOE180 Weather Seal Windows VH1 1.53 0.44 31 1|2 N
DH-TG,LOE180/CLR/LOE180 Weather Seal Windows VD1 1.53 0.42 29 1|2 N
SS-TG,LOE180/CLR/LOE180 Weather Seal Windows VS1 1.53 0.44 31 1|2 N
PW-DG,CLR/LOE272 Weather Seal Windows F150 1.53 0.42 31 1|2 N
WEATHERSEA1CA1-CL-CG7568-ARG Weather Seal Windows CA1 1.53 0.44 32 1|2 N
WEATHERSEA1AW1-CL-CG7568-ARG-SDL Weather Seal Windows AW1 1.53 0.33 25 1 N
WEATHERSEA1AW1-CL-CG7568-ARG Weather Seal Windows AW1 1.53 0.44 32 1|2 N
L-FC-DG,CLR/LOE180-GRL Weather Seal Windows LEGACY FC 1.54 0.48 34 1|2|3 N
SH-DG,LOE180/LOE180 Weather Seal Windows VH1 1.54 0.49 34 1|2|3 N
SS-DG,LOE180/LOE180 Weather Seal Windows VS1 1.54 0.49 34 1|2|3 N
SH-DG,CLR/LOE272 Weather Seal Windows VH1 1.55 0.4 29 1|2 N
DH-DG,LOE180/LOE180 Weather Seal Windows VD1 1.55 0.46 31 1|2 N
SS-DG,CLR/LOE272 Weather Seal Windows VS1 1.55 0.39 28 1 N
FC-DG,CLR/LOE180-GRL Weather Seal Windows F175 1.55 0.48 34 1|2|3 N
WEATHERSEA1CA1-CL-CG7568-ARG-SDL Weather Seal Windows CA1 1.55 0.33 25 1 N
DH-DG,CLR/LOE272 Weather Seal Windows VD1 1.56 0.37 26 1 N
PW-DG,LOE180/LOE180-GRL Weather Seal Windows F150 1.56 0.47 33 1|2 N
WEATHERSEA1AW1-CL-CG7568-ARG-GR Weather Seal Windows AW1 1.56 0.41 29 1|2 N
SH-DG,LOE180/LOE180-GRL Weather Seal Windows VH1 1.57 0.45 31 1|2 N
SS-DG,LOE180/LOE180-GRL Weather Seal Windows VS1 1.57 0.44 30 1|2 N
WEATHERSEA1CA1-CG7568-ARG-GR Weather Seal Windows CA1 1.57 0.41 29 1|2 N
DH-DG,LOE180/LOE180-GRL Weather Seal Windows VD1 1.58 0.42 28 1 N
DS-TG,LOE180/CLR/LOE180 Weather Seal Windows VX1 1.58 0.42 28 1 N
PW-DG,CLR/LOE180 Weather Seal Windows F150 1.58 0.57 38 1|2|3 Y
PW-DG,CLR/LOE272-GRL Weather Seal Windows F150 1.58 0.38 27 1 N
WEATHERSEA175A-CL-CG7568-ARG Weather Seal Windows F175 1.58 0.52 35 1|2|3 N
WEATHERSEA1AW1K Weather Seal Windows AW1 1.58 0.45 31 1|2 N
DS-DG,LOE180/LOE180 Weather Seal Windows VX1 1.59 0.46 30 1|2 N
WEATHERSEA1CA1K Weather Seal Windows CA1 1.59 0.45 31 1|2 N
SH-DG,CLR/LOE180 Weather Seal Windows VH1 1.6 0.54 36 1|2|3 Y
SH-DG,CLR/LOE272-GRL Weather Seal Windows VH1 1.6 0.36 25 1 N
DH-DG,CLR/LOE180 Weather Seal Windows VD1 1.6 0.51 33 1|2 N
DH-DG,CLR/LOE272-GRL Weather Seal Windows VD1 1.6 0.34 23 1 N
SS-DG,CLR/LOE180 Weather Seal Windows VS1 1.6 0.54 35 1|2|3 N
SS-DG,CLR/LOE272-GRL Weather Seal Windows VS1 1.6 0.36 25 1 N
DS-DG,CLR/LOE272 Weather Seal Windows VX1 1.6 0.38 26 1 N
WEATHERSEA175A-CL-CG7568-ARG-SDL Weather Seal Windows F175 1.6 0.38 27 1 N
DS-DG,LOE180/LOE180-GRL Weather Seal Windows VX1 1.62 0.42 27 1 N
WEATHERSEA1AW1A Weather Seal Windows AW1 1.62 0.45 30 1|2 N
PW-DG,CLR/LOE180-GRL Weather Seal Windows F150 1.63 0.52 34 1|2|3 N
WEATHERSEA175A-CG7568-ARG-GR Weather Seal Windows F175 1.63 0.48 32 1|2 N
SH-DG,CLR/LOE180-GRL Weather Seal Windows VH1 1.64 0.5 32 1|2 N
DH-DG,CLR/LOE180-GRL Weather Seal Windows VD1 1.64 0.47 30 1|2 N
SS-DG,CLR/LOE180-GRL Weather Seal Windows VS1 1.64 0.49 32 1|2 N
DS-DG,CLR/LOE180 Weather Seal Windows VX1 1.64 0.51 32 1|2 N
WEATHERSEA1CA1A Weather Seal Windows CA1 1.64 0.45 30 1|2 N
WEATHERSEA150A-CL-CG7568-ARG Weather Seal Windows F150 1.65 0.57 37 1|2|3 Y
WEATHERSEA1F175K Weather Seal Windows F175 1.67 0.45 29 1|2 N
WEATHERSEA1VD1-CL-CG7568-ARG Weather Seal Windows VD1 1.68 0.51 31 1|2 N
WEATHERSEA1VS1-CL-CG7568-ARG Weather Seal Windows VS1 1.68 0.54 34 1|2|3 N
WEATHERSEA1VH1-CL-CG7568-ARG Weather Seal Windows VH1 1.68 0.54 34 1|2|3 N
WEATHERSEA150A-CL-CG7568-ARG-SDL Weather Seal Windows F150 1.68 0.42 27 1 N
DS-DG,CLR/LOE180-GRL Weather Seal Windows VX1 1.69 0.47 29 1|2 N
PW-TG,CLR/CLR/LOE180 Weather Seal Windows F150 1.71 0.51 32 1|2 N
WEATHERSEA150A-CG7568-ARG-GR Weather Seal Windows F150 1.71 0.52 32 1|2 N
WEATHERSEA1F175A Weather Seal Windows F175 1.72 0.45 28 1 N
SH-TG,CLR/CLR/LOE180 Weather Seal Windows VH1 1.73 0.49 30 1|2 N
DH-TG,CLR/CLR/LOE180 Weather Seal Windows VD1 1.73 0.46 27 1 N
SS-TG,CLR/CLR/LOE180 Weather Seal Windows VS1 1.73 0.49 30 1|2 N
WEATHERSEA1VX1-CL-CG7568-ARG Weather Seal Windows VX1 1.73 0.51 30 1|2 N
WEATHERSEA1VD1-CG7568-ARG-GR Weather Seal Windows VD1 1.73 0.47 28 1 N
WEATHERSEA1VS1-CG7568-ARG-GR Weather Seal Windows VS1 1.73 0.49 30 1|2 N
WEATHERSEA1VH1-CG7568-ARG-GR Weather Seal Windows VH1 1.73 0.49 30 1|2 N
DS-TG,CLR/CLR/LOE180 Weather Seal Windows VX1 1.77 0.46 26 1 N
WEATHERSEA1VX1-CG7568-ARG-GR Weather Seal Windows VX1 1.77 0.47 27 1 N